In the midst of disturbing news, uneasy times and self-isolation, you need a breath of fresh air. You need to see things grow, endure and blossom. That sounds like an impossible task, but thankfully it isn’t. One of the most comforting and beneficial ways to brighten up your home, your day and your mental health is to set up a small garden in your home.

At Club Mahindra, our properties are blessed with lush gardens – not just for aesthetics, but because a garden is therapeutic in many different ways. At our Kandaghat resort, 14 acres of land are covered in lush greenery and our guests have the pleasure of strolling through lovely rose groves and velvety green, manicured lawns. Five and a half acres of colourful gardens surround our Ooty property. Our gardens serve as small emerald oasis of tranquillity, where you can enjoy a stroll, where your children can play, and where fresh produce is grown for our restaurants.

So, today, we’re going to talk about why a home garden adds its own magic to your home and your health. Ready to learn how?

Setting up your green corner

Most homes have a little garden tucked in their balconies, or if there is space, around their properties. They add colour, texture and a fresh vibrancy to your living space. However, in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of daily life, your plants can be neglected or not nurtured enough. Here’s how you can look after them:

Consistent water: There’s a fine line between overwatering your plants and drying them out. Water is key to keeping your plants alive. Plants with thick, lush leaves require more than plants with more waxy leaves. If mould appears on the surface of your soil, that means there is standing water in the pot, meaning you’ve overwatered it. Empty out the water as this is dangerous for your plants. If the soil is lightly coloured or cracked, you must water it. Check with your finger if the soil is damp enough, before you water your plant. Signs of dehydration include crisping, brownishyellow leaves that are curled or dropping.

Drainage: Make sure the pots you use have drainage holes at the bottom, so that any excess water can seep out and not choke the roots.

Sunlight: If your plants are tucked into little corners of your house, make sure they’re in a spot where they can receive adequate sunlight. Avoid putting them in direct sunlight, and make sure the source of the light is indirect. Flowering plants need 1216 hours of sunlight, while foliage needs about 14-16 hours of sunlight.

Choose a spot: Once you’ve determined a spot for your plants, try not to move them around too much. Plants acclimatise to their surroundings and moving them to a new place (especially with a different temperature) will have negative effects. If you must introduce a change, do it gradually, by moving your plants to the new spot for a few hours in a day before moving it permanently.

Prune your plants: Certain plants must be pruned regularly to help them grow healthily. A plant that isn’t maintained can grow into a wild tangle and the roots can outgrow your pot. Cut off dead leaves or stems (which attract bugs).

Glass Garden: If you want to set up your garden quickly, you can with a glass bottle and water. Many plants grow easily from stem cuttings placed in water. If you have spare bottles or jars lying around your home, you can set up your garden simply and effectively. Money plants, spider plants, philodendron lucky bamboo and others grow beautifully with the help of water. Some plants also flourish (in the shortterm) in water, before being transplanted to soil. You can check out which plant species work for you.

Garden Therapy

There’s a reason why gardening is loved by many across the world. Well, actually, there are multiple reasons and we’re going to discuss some of them:

Stress Reduction: We could all use a lot less stress in our lives right now. Gardening has proven to lower cortisol levels (which are associated with stress). Anxiety and stress are huge health risks, so head to your garden to soothe your nerves.

Better Health: Growing fresh produce in your garden is a great way to eat healthy. Activities like watering, weeding, mulching and pruning are also a great way to augment your exercise routine, keeping you active and fit during this period of selfisolation. If your garden is located outside, you’ll also receive your daily dose of Vitamin D from the sun – which is vital for your health. Some studies have also shown that gardening can promote better sleep, which in turn helps boost your immunity, reduces inflammation and works wonders for your mental health.

Smaller Grocery Bill: Growing a home garden can also reduce your grocery bills. Tomatoes, cucumbers, culinary herbs, beans, chillies, lemon, onions, garlic are all easy to grow, and will free you from heading out to purchase them at a store.

A family activity: In times like these, families can bond and burn some energy, by taking care of the garden together. Not only does it give you something to do, but it also can build a great sense of teamwork and pride in what you’ve accomplished. It’ll also teach your children the value of a healthy lifestyle and help them appreciate their surroundings.

Indoor Air Quality: Some plants have proven to clear out some toxins in the air, which will really help during this period of isolation. Aloe Vera, the Gerbera Daisy, Rubber plants, Snake plant, English Ivy, Areca, Spider plant are great for this purpose. Adding these to your home garden and practicing good ventilation and other air purifying techniques will improve the quality of air indoors.

So, there you have it. This small green patch in your home can work wonders for your mental and physical health. Furthermore, it can brighten up your home and give you a sense of purpose and pride during these challenging times. During this period of self-isolation, you may not be able to enjoy the gardens at our resorts, so we decided to bring a little greenery into your home. Here’s to your clean, green and gorgeous home!

About Mahindra Holidays

Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited (MHRIL), India’s leading player in the leisure hospitality industry, offers quality family holidays as also stated by Club Mahindra Resort Reviews, primarily through vacation ownership memberships. While Club Mahindra Membership Fees gives you opportunity to explore your holidays across world, the other brands offered by the company are – Club Mahindra Resorts Fundays and Svaastha Spa. As on Mar 31, 2019, MHRIL has 61+ resorts across India and abroad and its subsidiary, Holiday Club Resorts Oy, Finland, a leading vacation ownership company in Europe has 33 resorts across Finland, Sweden and Spain. Visit us at

About Club Mahindra

Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Ltd. (MHRIL), a part of Leisure and Hospitality sector of the Mahindra Group, offers quality family holidays primarily through vacation ownership memberships and brings to the industry values such as reliability, trust and customer satisfaction. Started in 1996, the company's flagship brand ‘Club Mahindra’, today has over 290,000 members , who can holiday at 140+ resorts in India and abroad.

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