With the advent of the internet, everyone seems to have mastered the subject of nutrition and physical education. However, little information or misinformation has created myths about this important topic. There is so much information available at the discretion of consumption that it has created ample confusion among people. Amid the current scenario of COVID-19 in India, people must avail correct information from authentic sources and follow a healthy regime.

Now, let’s burst a few myths regarding nutrition:

High-fat food items affect health adversely

Dietary fat is crucial for maintaining a healthy body. Therefore, low-fat diets add to health issues. It could increase insulin resistance, leading to some metabolic syndrome or a rise in triglyceride levels, which can affect the health of the heart. The diet of COVID patients in India includes food items that contain healthy fats like olive oil, walnuts, soya, paneer and chicken. It must have a moderate content of carbs and fats as well.

Non-nutritive sweeteners are good for health

Today, many people opt for sugar-free, carbs-free and low-calorie food, which leads to many kinds of health risks. It is one of the major risk factors for irregularities in blood sugar and type 2 diabetes. It also promotes an unhealthy lifestyle.

White potatoes are unhealthy for the body

White potatoes have starch tubers, which are healthy and form a part of a healthy diet. Although excessive intake can lead to weight gain, cutting them down, completely, to maintain weight can lead to many other issues. Potatoes are rich in fibre, vitamin C and potassium.

Small portion meals are healthy

People who want to lose weight consider this technique to enhance their metabolism. However, experts believe that if a person is healthy, it is more important to meet the energy levels rather than focusing on the frequency of meals. However, a few people with medical conditions like pregnancy, coronary artery disease, diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome may benefit from this method.

Macronutrient ratio is crucial over the quality of diet

It is one of the most common myths among people watching out for their weight. Macronutrients are important for maintaining health; however, if one is not considering a quality diet, it can affect overall health. A diet only rich in macronutrients can increase risks for many diseases, disrupt metabolic health, and can also affect vitality and lifespan.

Skinny people are healthy

While obesity is associated with many health issues, being skinny and working out in that direction is not what one must strive for. People must consume a balanced diet that has the right nutrients and healthy fat to maintain an active lifestyle.

 Fibre supplements are better than high-fibre food items

Supplements are given to balance the lacking nutrition. However, the myth that they are better than the natural source is harmful. Instead of supplements, one can easily compile a high-fibre diet using beans, fruits and vegetables. It promotes a healthy lifestyle, requires fewer struggles to compile a meal and can form a part of the diet of COVID patients in India

Calcium supplements are good for bone health

According to new research, supplements of calcium can do more harm than good to bones. It has been found to increase the risks for heart diseases. The best sources to increase calcium intake are seeds, yoghurt, beans and sardines.

Juices, smoothies and liquid diets are healthy

Some of the juices and smoothies are freshly made and do not contain starch, which helps to increase intake of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. But the packed juices come with calories and sugar. It can do more harm and even promote weight gain. 

Myths relate to physical activities are:


  1. Jogging benefits more than walking

Walking has many benefits over jogging. It helps the heart and lungs to get stronger. It reduces the risks of many diseases. One must stay active for at least 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week or more. It does not mean to stretch over a 30 minutes’ activity all at once, but one can divide the time into chunks of 10 minutes.

No pain means no gain

How many times have you heard it? Now, we know that it is not true. While hard breathing, muscle soreness and minor pains are a part of a physical fitness regime, sharp aches can cause much harm to the body. Fitness freaks must start slowly and gradually progress towards a tighter routine to avoid injuries.

There is only one way to be physically active

According to this popular myth, there is one best way for everyone. However, one type of routine or exercise does not necessarily affect every being positively. Instead, one must mix the activities like weight lifting, walking, cycling, stretching, yoga, biking, etc.

People do not keep up with fitness goals; therefore, they cannot meet them

Setting fitness goals and achieving them are two different things. Sometimes people set up unrealistic goals which become impossible to achieve. Therefore, it is smart to set up smaller milestones with realistic goals and keep driving toward achieving them without losing hope or giving up. 



Lifting weight can make people bulky

This popular opinion is a myth because fat does not transform into muscles or vice versa. When a person is more active, fat cells decrease in size and become small, while on the other hand, the cells increase in size if the body remains inactive for long.

Weight lifting can make one less flexible

The ideal method of weight lifting is to stretch and work out before starting the activity. It is important to continue resistance exercise to maintain a full range of movements. This way, the body stays flexible. 

Attaining good health and immunity is a gradual process. In order to attain fitness, it is important to understand your body and its nutritional needs. Hope this blog helped burst some of the most common myths for you. 

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