BRO, or Border Roads Organisation, is a statutory body in India that directly works under the directive and management of the Ministry of Defence of the Government of India. It develops and maintains a network of roads in India's border regions and friendly neighbouring countries. 

BRO operates and undertakes infrastructure development and maintenance activities in 19 states and three union territories, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. As of 2022, BRO has constructed over 55,000 kilometres of roads and over 450 permanent bridges. It has also built 19 airfields at different strategic locations across India. 

Although BRO is an integral part of the Ministry of Defence, it does not get the attention and appreciation it deserves, especially for the various road signs it has installed, mainly on the mountainous roads. These road signs not only caution the riders but also carry important, witty messages that will surely tickle your funny bones. 

As the Indian Army Day is approaching closer, celebrated on 15th January, we at Club Mahindra pay tribute to the underdogs of the Indian defence system and recognise their immaculate work. Before we give you an insight into their smart sense of humour, let us know more about BRO and how they contribute to the nation. 

Mission of the Border Roads Organisation

The BRO works under the guidelines of the Ministry of Defence and as instructed by either the ministry or the Central Government of the country. They have specific missions to carry, including:

  • To ensure that the strategic and sustainable needs of the Indian defence forces are met cost-effectively and without causing any inconvenience to them.
  • Achieve quality excellence and time consciousness akin to international standards.
  • Provide their expertise in any project of transitional or national development. 
  • Use the IT (information technology) in the most effective manner and use it to their advantage while undertaking any infrastructure development projects across the country. 
  • Maintain the highest level of proficiency in every road and other construction work they are involved in. 
  • To upgrade and enhance the quality of life and livelihood of the people living in the border areas by providing them with easy means of transport, connectivity and accessibility. 
  • Contribute to the social and economic development of the border states and maintain roads through the LOC (Line of Control). 

Significance of Border Roads Organisation

One of the biggest roles that the BRO plays is that they assist the defence personnel in India. Over the years, their role has diversified into different areas of construction and development work, including building projects, airfields, and tunnelling. Apart from this, BRO performs two important functions during times of war and peace. 

Importance of BRO during peaceful times

  • Develop and maintain the infrastructure of operational roads for the defence staff.

Importance of BRO during war

  • Maintain and develop the roads through the Line of Control and be ready to perform any other task assigned by the government. 

Apart from the above-mentioned roles, the contribution of BRO towards maintaining safety in the developing border regions of the north and northeast regions is commendable. Not just in India, BRO has also played a vital role in the development of infrastructure facilities in our neighbouring countries, including the Delaram-Zaranj Highway in Afghanistan. Also, often, during a natural calamity, the government hands over the work of road reconstruction to the Border Roads Organisation. 

Funny BRO Road Signs that will surely tickle your funny bones

As you drive through the Indian roads, especially in the hilly regions, expect to have a bumpy ride. A herd of cattle blocking your road, people and other drivers blatantly ignoring the traffic rules and driving on the wrong side, etc. These are a common sight almost every day. 

Also, most of the time, the traffic lights and the road signs fade into oblivion, leading to many mishaps. There are some road signs that you simply cannot miss. These sign boards placed by the BRO not only caution you but also are quite hilarious. 

Here are such road signs that will definitely leave you in splits!

  1. Darling, I like you, but not so fast
  2. Don’t be a GAMA in the land of LAMA
  3. Being Mr. Late is better than being Late Mr.__
  4. If married, divorce speed
  5. Don’t gossip, let him drive
  6. After whisky, driving risky
  7. Check your nerves on my curves
  8. This is a highway, not a runway
  9. Speed thrills but often kills
  10. Drive like hell, and you will be there
  11. Life is a limited company with unlimited dreams
  12. Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired
  13. Fast won’t last
  14. Feel the curves, do not test them
  15. Overspeed is a knife that cuts life

So, there you have a list of some of the funniest road signs put up by the Border Roads Organisation. As funny as they may be, they carry a deep message. Watch out for such signs while you drive on the Himalayan roads, and take these messages very seriously for your and your family's safety. Happy and safe holidays!

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Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Ltd. (MHRIL), a part of Leisure and Hospitality sector of the Mahindra Group, offers quality family holidays primarily through vacation ownership memberships and brings to the industry values such as reliability, trust and customer satisfaction. Started in 1996, the company's flagship brand ‘Club Mahindra’, today has over 290,000 members , who can holiday at 140+ resorts in India and abroad.

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