Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived on January 9 in Ahmedabad, embarking on a two-day visit to inaugurate the 10th edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024 at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar. The summit held from January 10 to 12th aims to celebrate 20 years of vibrant Gujarat. 

In a grand inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially kicked off the 10th edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit, showcasing the state's commitment to fostering economic growth and global partnerships. The event, held at the Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre in Gandhinagar, brought together a diverse gathering of business leaders, investors, policymakers, and dignitaries from across the world.

Prominent industry leaders like Mukesh Ambani, Lakshmi Mittal of ArcelorMittal, Kumar Mangalam Birla, Gautam Adani, Uday Kotak, Anil Agarwal of Vedanta Group, and Sameer Nigam of PhonePay are gracing the occasion with their presence. AP Moller's Keith Svendsen, Suzuki Motor Corp's Toshihiro Suzuki, Rasna Private Limited Chairman Piruz Khambatta, Micron Technology's Sanjay Mehrotra, and Natarajan Chandrasekaran are also among the top Indian executives that will be present. United Arab Emirates President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan will also be in attendance at the event.

The theme of the Summit is 'Gateway to the Future' emphasizes the significance of Gujarat as an economic powerhouse and a hub for investment. The aim is to create a conducive business environment and to streamline policies, making Gujarat an attractive destination for both domestic and international investors. As per reports, there are 34 partner countries and 16 partner organizations participating in this year's Summit. 

The summit, which has evolved into a global platform for business and networking, focuses on key sectors such as renewable energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, technology, and innovation. It serves as a melting pot for discussions, collaborations, and the exchange of ideas to propel economic growth not only in Gujarat but also on a global scale.

Several industry leaders will take the stage to share their insights and experiences, shedding light on the immense potential and opportunities available in Gujarat. The summit also features panel discussions, exhibitions, and B2B meetings, providing a platform for participants to engage in meaningful dialogues and explore potential partnerships.

One of the key highlights of the event is the signing of numerous Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between the state government and various companies, signaling the intent to invest in Gujarat. The Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit aims to position the state as a global business and investment destination, fostering economic development, and creating a sustainable future.

With a focus on innovation, collaboration, and inclusive growth, the event is set to pave the way for transformative opportunities and partnerships that will contribute to Gujarat's and India's overall economic development. As the summit progresses, it is expected to unlock new avenues for investment and reinforce Gujarat's standing as a vibrant and dynamic economic powerhouse.

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