Many natural and manmade disasters occur worldwide, displacing millions of people. Some of these events leave many homeless and have catastrophic effects on nature. While it is impossible to prevent disasters, we can be ready to mitigate the risk of the disaster and reduce the aftereffects. 

The UN (United Nations) designated October 13th as the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction to address natural-disaster-related issues and raise awareness about natural disaster risk reduction. The primary objective of this day is to make people and communities realise that they can work together and collaborate to mitigate risks in the face of catastrophic events like wildfires, earthquakes, floods, etc.  

While the government, charity organisations, and non-profits do their bit to help people in the aftermath of the disaster, it is high time that we take concrete steps to prevent the occurrence of such disasters. You can contribute to the environmental cause every day, even while travelling. If you are wondering how you can be a responsible traveller and contribute to saving mother nature, we list a few simple tips.  

  • Avoid printing tickets
  • Use the public transport
  • Switch it off
  • Preserve water
  • Carry your water bottle/don’t litter

· Choose your stay wisely

Don’t print 

Paper generates a large amount of waste, and each paper waste not only adds to the landfill but also contributes to cutting more trees to make paper. In the modern digital age, you can carry a digital or soft copy of the tickets, boarding pass, and booking confirmation, wherever you go. It has become an accepted norm. So, next time you travel, say not to printouts.  

Go Public 

There is no doubt that vehicles are one of the most significant contributors to environmental pollution. While on holiday, you may like to travel in comfort and luxury. However, it can have a detrimental effect on the environment. But you can be a responsible traveller and contribute to saving the environment by using the local public transport.  

Switch off the lights 

Whether you stay at a homestay, a premium resort, or a budget hotel, make sure that you turn off everything every time you leave your room – the fan, AC, etc. You don’t have to pay the bill, but this simple step can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.  

Save water 

The importance of saving water cannot be stressed enough. Millions of children worldwide have no access to clean water, yet people in the cities blatantly waste litres of water daily.  

So, while you are on holiday, you may be tempted to have a leisurely bath but think of the water you are wasting that could be used otherwise by someone else. It is one of the best ways to help the environment. 

Don’t buy plastic water bottles 

Plastic is the environment’s worst nemesis. The plastic water bottles you buy while travelling end up in the trash and eventually flow into the oceans. So, if you are looking for simple ways to protect the environment while travelling, carry your own water bottle, and refill it from a local café or a restaurant. Also, avoid littering, keep your trash in your bag while on the road and dispose of it safely.  

Stay at an eco-friendly resort 

You can consciously look for an eco-friendly place when you book a stay. Some of the Club Mahindra resorts in India are eco-friendly and have many sustainable practices that help reduce the waste produced. Staying at such places can contribute to saving the local environment.  

So, with Natural Disaster Reduction Day around the corner, take note of these simple steps to contribute to the environment and be a safe and responsible traveller!

About Club Mahindra

Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Ltd. (MHRIL), a part of Leisure and Hospitality sector of the Mahindra Group, offers quality family holidays primarily through vacation ownership memberships and brings to the industry values such as reliability, trust and customer satisfaction. Started in 1996, the company's flagship brand ‘Club Mahindra’, today has over 290,000 members , who can holiday at 140+ resorts in India and abroad.

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