“COVID-19 Passport” Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it?! It’s hard to put these two terms together and not invite scoffs, raised eyebrows or even scepticism. This new phrase coined by the travel community has created quite a bit of stir. But what is this document/certificate/pass and more importantly, how does it help with safe travel? In this blog, we attempt to create awareness and dispel any confusion regarding the all-important COVID-19 Passport.

Soon To Come, A Warm, Vaccine Welcome!

The COVID-19 Passport or Vaccine Travel Passport is essentially a document that states you are vaccinated against the virus or have recently (in the last 72 hours) tested negative for the virus. The document is an assurance of your health and fitness levels, allowing you to be cleared for safe travel and commuting. Certain countries, cities, towns, and even public spaces like stadiums and theatres will require you to have this on you upon entering.

Fitting in with the new travel rules of the world, the much-anticipated passport acts as confirmation or proof of your ability to move about without endangering yourself or others. Additionally, it helps to ease the quarantine rules for interstate travel and inter-country travel. Airlines are already curating digital platforms that store passenger health information.

It’s important to note, however, that these certificates are still in the process of being fine-tuned in some parts of the world. The details of how and when they'll be used could vary significantly, depending upon the destination in question. Having said that, experts do believe they should be free and available in a very short period of time!

Benefits of The Vaccine Passport

The introduction of such a passport has physical as well as psychological benefits.

Here are just a few.

  1. Allows families to wear a safe badge and bypass mandatory quarantine requirements or inconvenient guidelines for international arrivals.
  2. Boosts the travel and tourism industry due to the easing of restrictions.
  3. Widens access to infrastructure and facilities.
  4. Eliminates the need to carry physical documentation (E-passports).
  5. Grants credibility to the online certification space.

Helps create a sense of normalcy and trust.

Vaccine Travel Passport Vaccine Passport

Drawbacks of The Vaccine Passport

Of course, with any new invention, there are numerous challenges to overcome.

Here are some of the foremost concerns.

  1. Data privacy issues regarding outdated encryption or live tracking of passport holders.
  2. Discrimination against developing nations with a lower rate of vaccination.
  3. Unaddressed issues of equitable and affordable access to vaccination.

Club Mahindra’s Afterword

While we do believe in the merit of the COVID-19 Passport, there is much to be addressed before it can be implemented in India.

Yes, countries such as Italy, Iceland, Greece and Spain have been opening up their borders to travellers who can prove they’ve been vaccinated or have tested negative for the virus; however, we still have a little while to go. Our priority is to get vaccinated first. That being said, let’s all look towards the future with optimism and hope. To help you out in that regard, Club Mahindra resorts are available for safe travel! Enjoy our bank of beautiful, exotic, magical destinations with your family.

Data Privacy Issue Club Mahindra

About Mahindra Holidays

Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited (MHRIL), India’s leading player in the leisure hospitality industry, offers quality family holidays as also stated by Club Mahindra Resort Reviews, primarily through vacation ownership memberships. While Club Mahindra Membership Fees gives you an opportunity to explore your holidays across the world, the other brands offered by the company are – Club Mahindra Resorts Fundays and Svaastha Spa. As on Mar 31, 2019, MHRIL has 100+ resorts across India and abroad and its subsidiary, Holiday Club Resorts Oy, Finland, a leading vacation ownership company in Europe has 33 resorts across Finland, Sweden and Spain. Visit us at www.clubmahindra.com

About Club Mahindra

Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Ltd. (MHRIL), a part of Leisure and Hospitality sector of the Mahindra Group, offers quality family holidays primarily through vacation ownership memberships and brings to the industry values such as reliability, trust and customer satisfaction. Started in 1996, the company's flagship brand ‘Club Mahindra’, today has over 290,000 members , who can holiday at 140+ resorts in India and abroad.

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