Shravan, the fifth month of the Hindu calendar, is a highly auspicious time dedicated to Lord Shiva. This sacred period is marked by devotees observing the Shravan fast, a time for spiritual reflection and purification. Fasting during Shravan is a form of devotion and an opportunity to embrace a disciplined lifestyle and consume nourishing, sattvic food.

The Shravan fast involves a variety of delicious and nutritious food items that are both fulfilling and spiritually significant. Shravan food typically includes fruits, dairy products, and specific grains, all prepared in a way that adheres to fasting guidelines. These foods help maintain energy levels and promote well-being while adhering to the principles of the fast.

By embracing these wholesome and sattvic foods, devotees can sustain their energy levels while observing the Shravan fast, maintaining both physical health and spiritual well-being.

Here is a list of some of the foods to consider for the sacred Shravan fast:

  1. Fresh fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Whole grains
  4. Sabudana
  5. Dry fruits and seeds
  6. Dairy Products

Fresh fruits

Fresh fruits are an essential part of the Shravan fast, offering a natural and nutritious way to sustain energy and maintain well-being. During the sacred month of Shravan, devotees consume fresh fruits to adhere to the sattvic diet, which emphasizes purity and simplicity. These fruits provide essential vitamins, minerals, and hydration, making them a perfect choice for those observing the Shravan fast. Incorporating a variety of fresh fruits into your diet during this period ensures you stay nourished and energized while honouring the spiritual significance of the fast.

Fresh Vegetables

Vegetables are a vital component of the fasting food for Shravan month, offering both nutrition and variety to the sattvic diet. Root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots are commonly included, as they provide essential energy and nutrients. Other permissible vegetables like cucumbers, bottle gourd, and pumpkin are also favoured for their hydrating and nourishing properties. These vegetables are prepared simply and without onions or garlic to adhere to the fasting guidelines, ensuring a wholesome and spiritually appropriate diet during the Shravan fast.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an integral part of fasting during Shravan month, providing essential nourishment and energy during the fast. While traditional grains like wheat and rice are often avoided, alternatives such as buckwheat (kuttu), amaranth (rajgira), and barnyard millet (samak) are embraced. These grains are not only nutritious but also versatile, allowing for a variety of delicious and satisfying meals. Whole grains are typically used to prepare fasting-friendly dishes that align with the principles of Shravan fasting food, ensuring devotees can maintain their strength and well-being throughout this sacred month.


Sabudana, also known as tapioca pearls, is a popular food to eat during Shravan Somvar Vrat. It is a staple in many fasting diets due to its light, easily digestible nature and high energy content. Sabudana is typically prepared in various forms such as khichdi or vadas, often combined with peanuts and mild spices to enhance flavour while adhering to fasting guidelines. This versatile ingredient provides a satisfying and nutritious option, helping devotees maintain their energy levels during the sacred Shravan fast.

Dry fruits and seeds


Dry fruits and seeds are excellent choices for the Shravan fast, providing a nutritious and convenient snack option. Rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, they help sustain energy levels throughout the day. Commonly consumed dry fruits include almonds, cashews, raisins, and walnuts, while popular seeds include pumpkin, sunflower, and flax seeds. These nutrient-dense foods are an important part of Shravan food, offering a quick and easy way to stay nourished and energized while observing the fast.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are a key component of the Shravan fast, offering a rich source of nutrition and sustenance. Foods such as milk, yogurt, paneer, and ghee are commonly included in Shravan food, providing essential proteins, calcium, and healthy fats. These items not only help maintain energy levels but also keep you feeling full and satisfied. Incorporating dairy products into your diet during the Shravan fast ensures you get the necessary nutrients while adhering to the fasting guidelines, making it an integral part of fasting food for Shravan month.

During the sacred month of Shravan, certain foods are avoided to maintain the sanctity and discipline of the fast. These dietary restrictions help devotees adhere to a sattvic lifestyle, promoting purity and spiritual well-being.

Some of the foods items that you should avoid during Shravan are given below:

Avoid non-vegetarian food

Non-vegetarian food is strictly avoided during Shravan month as part of maintaining the sanctity and discipline of the fast. Devotees abstain from meat, fish, and eggs, focusing instead on a vegetarian diet that aligns with the principles of purity and spiritual well-being.

Avoid Onions and garlic

During Shravan month, onions and garlic are avoided as they are considered rajasic and tamasic foods, which can disturb the balance of mind and body. Devotees focus on a sattvic diet, which promotes purity, calmness, and spiritual well-being, by excluding these ingredients from their meals.

Avoid Too much oil and spices

During Shravan month, it is advised to avoid using too much oil and spices in your food. These ingredients can be heavy and overstimulating, detracting from the sattvic qualities of simplicity and purity that are emphasized during the fast. Instead, meals are prepared with minimal oil and mild spices to maintain a balanced and harmonious diet.

Avoid consumption of Alcohol

During Shravan, alcohol is strictly avoided as it is considered impure and can disrupt the spiritual discipline of the fast. Abstaining from alcohol during Shravan month helps devotees maintain a clear mind and focus on their spiritual practices, aligning with the principles of purity and self-restraint emphasized during this sacred period.

Daily Meal Plan for Observing Shravan Fast:

To maintain health and energy during the Shravan fast, it's important to choose foods that are both nutritious and adhere to fasting guidelines. Here’s a balanced meal plan to help you through the day:


  • Warm Water: Start your day with a glass of warm water to kickstart your metabolism.
  • Fresh Fruits: Follow up with a selection of fresh fruits like bananas, apples, or papayas, which provide essential vitamins and hydration.
  • Dairy: A cup of milk or a bowl of yogurt can offer additional nourishment and keep you full.


  • Dry Fruits and Nuts: Snack on a handful of dry fruits and nuts such as almonds, cashews, raisins, and walnuts to sustain your energy levels


  • Whole Grains and Vegetables: Prepare a light meal using whole grains like buckwheat, amaranth, or barnyard millet, combined with permissible vegetables like cucumbers, bottle gourd, and pumpkin. Include a portion of steamed or boiled vegetables to add fibre and nutrients.
  • Dairy: A bowl of curd or buttermilk can aid digestion and keep you hydrated.

Afternoon Snack:

  • Fruit Juice or Smoothie: Enjoy a fresh fruit juice or a smoothie made with yogurt and fruits for a refreshing and nutritious boost.
  • Sabudana Preparation: Have a small portion of sabudana prepared in a way that adheres to fasting guidelines.


  • Herbal Tea or Green Tea: Take a refreshing break with a cup of herbal tea or green tea.
  • Seeds: Snack on a handful of seeds like pumpkin or sunflower seeds for added nutrition.


  • Light Meal with Root Vegetables: Prepare a simple meal using root vegetables like potatoes or sweet potatoes.
  • Milk-Based Dessert: End your meal with a small portion of a milk-based dessert such as kheer to satisfy your sweet tooth while staying within fasting guidelines.
  • Warm Milk: Conclude your day with a glass of warm milk to promote restful sleep and maintain energy levels.

Observing the Shravan fast requires selecting the right Shravan food to maintain health and energy. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, sabudana, dry fruits, seeds, and dairy products are ideal fasting foods for Shravan month, upholding principles of purity and simplicity. Whether preparing food for Shravan Somvar Vrat or other fasting days, this balanced approach supports both spiritual and physical well-being throughout this sacred month.

During the Shravan fast, indulge in nutritious food items that nourish the body and spirit. For a delightful experience, visit Club Mahindra Restaurants, where you can savour expertly crafted dishes designed to complement your fasting journey, allowing you to enjoy traditional flavours in a serene and inviting atmosphere.

  • Food

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